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Research: NCTSPM Projects

NCTSPM supports research projects at each of our consortium universities. Research focuses on safety, transportation infrastructure and services, and economic competiveness.
Project Title Principal Investigator(s) University Topic
A Comprehensive Investigation of Visibility Problems on Highways: Developing Real Time Monitoring and Prediction System for Reduced Visibility and Understanding Traffic and Human Factors Implications Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, Radwan, Essam, Oloufa, Amr, Rodgers, Michael
  • University of Central Florida, Georgia Institute of Technology
Safety, State-of-Good-Repair, Economic Competitiveness
A Data Driven Approach to State Transportation Investment Decisions: a Transportation Project Investment and Evaluation Resource (T-Pier) Welch, Timothy, Ross, Catherine
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
Economic Competitiveness
Automated Data Collection for Origin/Destination Studies of Freight Movement Oloufa, Amr
  • University of Central Florida
Economic Competitiveness
Consumer Response to Road Pricing: Macro and Micro Modeling Tools for Socioeconomic Evaluation and Pricing of Managed Lanes Guensler, Randall
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
Economic Competitiveness
Cooperative Vehicle-Highway Automation (CVHA) Technology: Simulation of Benefits and Operational Issues Rodgers, Michael, Guin, Angshuman, Hadi, Mohammed
  • Georgia Institute of Technology, Florida International University
Safety, Economic Competitiveness
Development of a Prototype Evidence-Based Database and Planning Tool: Applying Performance Management Principles in Asset Management Program Development Kennedy, Adjo Amekudzi
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
Safety, State-of-Good-Repair, Economic Competitiveness
Economic Development and Workforce Impacts of State DOT Expenditures Boston, Thomas
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
Economic Competitiveness


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