Reducing Service Interruptions in Linear Infrastructure Systems (Transportation and Water/Sewer) by Synchronizing Schedules for Selected Maintenance Activities

Project Description: 

Linear infrastructure systems (roads, water/sewer/power lines) are often interdependent due to the similarities in their design purposes to provide the necessary services. Hence, they are vulnerable to possible domino effects which can impact both the health and economic well being of communities. The key impacts of bottlenecks in interdependent linear infrastructure systems (ILIS) are reduction of system reliability and oscillations in service delivery capacity. In ILIS events are linked by time and dynamics of the interactions between the systems. This research will demonstrate quantitatively infrastructure limitations (design and operation) for coastal communities, identification of critical bottlenecks for service quality and propagation of domino effects in ILIS.

Objectives of this research are to:

  1. Characterize service interruption profiles in ILIS;
  2. Provide an dynamic analysis of interactions in ILIS;
  3. Identify interactively the major events increasing the stress and service bottlenecks;
  4. Develop an interactive tool to establish checkpoints for service quality.

The following tasks will be conducted during the study.
Task 1. Preliminary analyses
Task 2. Identification of service interruption hazard modes
Task 3. Profiling, classification and rating of hazard modes
Task 4. Service quality and priority assessment

Final Report

Reducing Service Interruptions in Linear Infrastructure Systems (Transportation and Water/Sewer) by Synchronizing Schedules for Selected Maintenance Activities


  1. “Active Transport Infrastructure Investment Decision Framework and GIS-Based Cost-Benefit Analysis: A Case Study”, presented at the Transportation Research Forum in Atlanta, Georgia, March 12-14, 2014.
  2. "Failure Risks of Pipeline Networks and Impacts on Transportation Services", presented at the 2014 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress in Portland, Oregon, June 1-5, 2014.
  3. “Integrated Quantitative Vulnerability Assessment for Co-located Infrastructure Networks: Comparison of Reactive and Proactive Maintenance Strategies”, presented at the Transportation Research Forum in Atlanta, Georgia, March 12-14, 2014.
  4. "Multi-criteria Risk Management Framework for Integrated Linear Infrastructure Systems (ILIS)", presented at the 2013 UTC Conference for the Southeastern Region in Orlando, Florida, April 4-5, 2013.
  5. "Reducing Service Interruptions in Linear Infrastructure Systems by Synchronizing Schedules for Selected Maintenance Activities", presented at the 2013 UTC Conference for the Southeastern Region in Orlando, Florida, April 4-5, 2013.

Project Information Forms:

  1. January 2013
  2. July 2013
  3. January 2014
  4. July 2014
  5. January 2015


  1. Inanloo, B., Tansel, B., Shams, K., Jin, X., Gan, A. “Asset Management Using GIS-Based Interactive Vulnerability of Transportation and Pipeline Networks,” Research in Transportation Business & Management. (in review).
Describe Implementation of Research Outcomes (or why not implemented) : 

Task 1. Preliminary analyses: Preliminary analysis work plan was developed.
Task 2. Identification of service interruption hazard modes:

This task focuses on:

  1. Causes of service quality decline and interruptions;
  2. Service quality and system redundancy; and
  3. Service quality.

This task will be initiated in March 2013.

Task 3. Profiling, classification and rating of hazard modes

A rating system (metrics) for different service interruption hazard modes are being developed. A preliminary criteria was developed.

Task 4. Service quality and priority assessment: This task has not been initiated yet.

Principal Investigator(s) Contact Information: 
Florida International University (FIU) Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Engineering Center Miami, FL 33174 Tel:305 348 2928 Fax: 305 348 2802 e-mail:
Florida International University
Start and End Dates: 
1/1/12 to 08/30/14

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