There are a wide range of vehicle detection devices in use than ever before on freeways and expressways, starting from the popular inductive loops and magnetometers to videos and radar-based detectors. The Central Florida Expressway System utilizes Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) system for Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) as well as for the provision of real-time information to motorists within the ATIS. Data are gathered using AVI tag readers that are installed for the purpose of toll collection and additional tag readers installed solely for the purpose of estimating travel times. The advent of the new ETC systems changed the way toll roads are designed and operated. ETC systems have the ability to easily support other value-added services on the same technology platform. These services might include but not be limited to fleet management systems, emergency response services, congestion pricing pay-as-you-drive insurance services and navigation capabilities. The aspect of tolling (a distance-base, a flat-rate or a congestion-base) and the type of facility and access (freeway, expressway or conventional road) play an important role in the structure and the spacing of the tag readers.
The main objective of this research is to investigate the viability of using the automatic vehicle identification (AVI) traffic data in the identification of freeway real-time "hot-spots" in a proactive traffic management framework. Guidelines will be provided to adapt the existing structure of the AVI system (e.g. locations, spacing, and archiving system) to provide more useful data.
Final Report
Project Information Forms:
It is intended to produce suggestions to improve the current ITS system on the Central Florida Expressways
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