Ossama Ramadan is a doctoral candidate in Civil Engineering at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) with a wealth of knowledge and experience in his field. Ramadan has a passion for civil engineering, rooted in his experience of growing up around his family construction business.
Ramadan received the 2015 UAB International Graduate Student Academic Excellence Award, and he was also selected as the 2014 UAB Graduate Student of the Year in Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering.
He's working with Dr. Virginia P. Sisiopiku on eight separate projects,and one of these projects, “Optimizing Emergency Response through the Use of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Technologies”, was featured in the 2014 NCTSPM Annual report.
His research interests cover a broad base at the intersection of construction planning and transportation engineering, and he says the two are inextricably linked. “In transportation design, you have to build to maintain – it isn’t as simple as just designing a project, you have to design it to stand the test of time, and it’s important to bridge that gap between design and construction”, says Ramadan.
Photo courtesy of Ossama Ramadan.
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