This project will investigate needs and opportunities associated with the use of ITS as a tool for improving healthcare delivery practices during routine as well as emergency operations. More specifically the study will examine in depth ITS technologies and transportation management strategies to:
a. Optimize deployment of healthcare resources through positioning of first responders within the transportation grid and implementation of urgency algorithms to facilitate Computer-Aided Dispatching (CAD) of ambulances
b. Mitigate non-recurrent incident induced congestion and its impacts on EMS responders and the general public. Use of active traffic management strategies (such as temporary shoulder lanes) and traffic signal preemption to allow quick access of first responders to the emergency site and/or the treatment facility will be also considered.
c. Optimize the use of healthcare resources to improve surge capacity under routine operations as well as in case of manmade, natural, of public health disasters.
Final Report
Optimizing EMS Through The Use of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Technologies
Project Information Forms:
An analysis of EMS dispatch and response times in the Miami area has been completed, along with simulation of potential time savings that could be gained with improved real-time traffic data. This analysis is being made available to local EMS agencies.
Analysis shows that improved EMS response times can be obtained not only through the use of real-time traffic data, but also through the use of historical averages obtained through the monitoring of travel speeds of fleet vehicles.
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