Integrating Safety in Developing a Variable Speed Limit System

Project Description: 

Variable speed limit (VSL) systems have been widely used in the U.S. and European countries. They represent a vital component of an Active Traffic Management System (ATMS), which has been suggested by FHWA as the next step in tackling the U.S. freeway congestion problem. VSL systems have been employed nationwide on freeways to: 1) reduce recurrent congestion; 2) address adverse weather impacts on freeways; 3) improve traffic safety; and 4) improve air quality. This research will be one of the first attempts to develop a VSL algorithm based on real-time safety risk estimation.

Final Report

Integrating Safety in Developing a Variable Speed Limit System

Project Information Forms:

  1. January 2013
  2. July 2013
  3. January 2014


  1. Yu R. and Abdel-Aty M. (2014) Analyzing Crash Injury Severity for a Mountainous Freeway Incorporating Real-time Traffic and Weather Data, Journal of Safety Science, Volume 63, March 2014, Pages 50-56. IF: 1.359, 5year IF:1.785
  2. Yu R. and Abdel-Aty M. (2014) Optimal Variable Speed Limit System to Ameliorate Traffic Safety Risk, accepted for presentation at 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB No. 14-0539, Washington DC, January 2014.
  3. Yu R. and Abdel-Aty M. (2014) Using Hierarchical Bayesian Binary Probit Models to Analyze Crash Injury Severity on High Speed Facilities with Real-time Traffic Data, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 62, January 2014, Pages 161-167. IF: 1.964, 5year IF:2.391
Describe Implementation of Research Outcomes (or why not implemented) : 

The research outcomes would not be implemented since this study is solely to develop a control algorithm. However, the proposed VSL control algorithm would be tested in the micro‐simulation software VISSIM to see its benefits for traffic safety.

Impacts/Benefits of Implementation (actual, not anticipated): 

Future improvement of Active Traffic Management Systems

Principal Investigator(s) Contact Information:
University of Central Florida
Start and End Dates: 
01/01/2012 - 01/31/2014

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