Freight Impacts on Small Urban and Rural Areas

Project Description: 

This study will measure impact of freight activity on rural and small urban areas, using highly disaggregate data to analyze current and future truck movements along rural corridors. The study will improve upon existing research by integrating the use of real-time (GPS) truck activity data, growth in major economic sectors, detailed route information and growth in port activity to analyze the flow of freight and its likely impact on smaller geographic areas by

  • identifying local characteristics, commodities and activities driving the local economy and measuring the impact of increased truck on these activities;
  • identifying alternative routes used by trucks being tracked with GPS;
  • configuring future freight scenarios to measure impacts on small urban and rural areas;
  • configuring future economic scenarios for selected geographic areas;
  • and contributing to the knowledge on freight movements and their impact on small and rural areas including intermediate stops, increased volume and warehousing consolidation.

Improved disaggregate truck data and an improved assessment of future freight impacts on small areas will better inform local decisions for specific improvement strategies and projects.

Final Report

Freight impacts on Small Urban and Rural Areas

Project Information Forms: 

  1. January 2014
  2. June 2014
  3. January 2015


Principal Investigator(s) Contact Information:
Georgia Institute of Technology
Start and End Dates: 
11/01/13 - 05/01/15
Economic Competitiveness

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