The overarching objective of this project was to enhance transportation agencies’ understanding of the opportunities, challenges and best practices for utilizing risk management strategies for the asphalt cement price volatility in transportation projects. The final deliverable of this project is a comprehensive risk management guide that systematically addresses risk management for asphalt cement price volatility. The specific research objectives were:
Final Report:
Project Information Forms:
The implementation of this research lead to the development of a comprehensive guidebook that enhanced transportation agencies’ understanding of the opportunities, challenges and best practices for utilizing risk management strategies in transportation construction projects. This knowledge is critical to transportation agencies as it helps them optimally utilize risk management strategies and keep up with rapidly rising material price costs and cost overruns of transportation projects.
Time series analysis of asphalt cement (AC) index in the state of Georgia was conducted. Several time series models were created to explain AC index variation and predict future AC index value. This time series approach was developed and presented to Dr. Wu from GDOT Office of Materials and Research in a progress meeting. In addition, a transportation risk management education module was developed and taught in BC7100 class in the fall 2012.
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