On Saturday, September 26th, 2015, the TransportationCamp South un-conference returned to the Georgia Institute of Technology's Clough Undergraduate Learning Commons for the third time. The event brought together transportation professionals, governmental organization representatives, students, and laypeople to discuss and strategize issues related to Atlanta-area transportation. In sessions proposed and led by attendees, topics covered included the creation of a bike plan for Georgia State University, multimodal access to Atlanta-area stadiums, the psychology of transportation, student activism in transportation, and freight growth and traffic in cities.
The event was also the official launch of The MARTA Army, a grassroots action group dreamed up at last year's event, which is working to advance the cause of the expansion and improvement of public transportation in the city.
More information on the un-conference is available at its EventBrite page.
For a full schedule of events, please click here.
Photos from TransportationCamp South 2015
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