Dr. Steve Dickerson, Sc.D. (RideCell, LLC, Georgia Institute of Technology)

Dr. Steve Dickerson, Professor Emeritus at Georgia Tech  and founder of RideCell, LLC, will be speaking at the NCTSPM Transportation Speaker Series on October 1, on the topic of "A Comprehensive Urban Transportation App". 

The presentation describes a way to considerably reduce urban congestion in major cities. The key is “a comprehensive app” or “master app” that allows smart phone owners to execute their urban trips in a way that is best for them and considers the benefit to others who might travel at a similar time. A 2004 patent, owned by Georgia Tech, describes the technology to achieve the objective at a low economic cost. The party implementing the comprehensive app should be a consortium of private and public entities. 

Dr. Dickerson was a Professor in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech until his retirement in 1996. He has founded several different successful robotics companies, including the Modnar Corporation, DVT Corporation, CAMotion, Inc., RideCell, LLC, and SoftWear Automation, Inc. 

Ridecell provides more efficient use of transportation resources and improved customer experience through using advanced communication techniques between vehicles and their drivers. SoftWear, his other early-stage venture, is working to introduce disruptive solutions in garment cutting and sewing. 

Date and time: 
Thursday, October 1, 2015 - 11:00am
Location of Event: 
Georgia Tech, Mason Building, Room 1133

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