Dr. Ram Pendyala Speaks at CEE at Georgia Tech

NCTSPM is proud to welcome Dr. Ram Pendyala as our inaugural speaker for the 2014 Fall Seminar series.

Ram Pendyala comes to the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Georgia Tech as the Frederick R. Dickerson Chair in Transportation Systems effective Fall 2014.  Prior to this appointment, he served on the faculty of the School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment at Arizona State University.  

His expertise lies in the study of sustainable mobility management strategies, analysis of public transportation systems including bus and rail technologies, and modeling the land use, transportation, energy, and air quality impacts of a wide range of transportation policies and technology solutions including pricing-based strategies.


Title of Presentation:
Multi-scale Models of Travel Demand and Supply: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice

Abstract:The past decade has seen remarkable advances in the state of transport modeling thanks to significant progress in representing behavioral phenomena, computational techniques, hardware and software architecture, real-time data acquisition, and econometric and statistical methods. In this presentation, an overview of recent efforts related to the development and deployment of microsimulation model systems of travel demand and network supply will be provided.  The presentation will include a discussion of several case studies illustrating ongoing initiatives aimed at bridging the gap between research and modeling practice.  Finally, the presentation will identify emerging trends and disruptive technologies that motivate a transformative approach to transport model development in the future.  



Date and time: 
Thursday, August 28, 2014 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
Location of Event: 
Mason Room 1133 (Georgia Tech)

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