Janille Smith-Colin was awarded the 2014 CH2M Hill Strategic Partnership Scholarship of $10,000 in recognition of her professional development and involvement in the transportation field, academic achievements, leadership development, and communication abilities. She will receive her award at the WTS Annual International Conference Awards Dinner in Portland, Oregon this May.
Janille is a 2nd year PhD student in Transportation Systems Engineering. She holds a Master of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her Master’s thesis focused on performance measures and their use in transportation asset management. Her research interests are in transportation organizational management, policy implementation, infrastructure decision-making, and sustainability.
Founded in 1977, WTS is an international organization dedicated to building the future of transportation through the global advancement of women. Each year, WTS recognizes members, women, and employers who embody the WTS pursuit of transportation excellence through the achievement and success of women.
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