Road traffic injuries remain a global public health problem. Road accidents cause human tragedies every minute of every day. Nearly 3,400 people die on the world's roads every day. Tens of millions of people are severely injured or disabled every year. Children, pedestrians, cyclists and the elderly are among the most vulnerable of road users. While many countries addressing the issue of road fatalities and serious injuries caused by road accidents, road safety still remains a challenging problem across the region and throughout the world.
The First International Road Traffic Accident Conference was held at Rose Wood Hotel, Abu Dhabi on 10th-11th March, 2014 to bring together transportation engineers and medical physicians in joint sessions. The conference goal was to raise the profile of the preventability of road traffic injuries and promote good practices in order to achieve safe roads, safe speeds, safe vehicles, and safe people.
The conference was an important forum to inspire and connect leaders, decision makers, Health professionals, public servants, academics and advocates, bringing International keynote speakers and participants to seek, develop, and exchange views on what works to prevent road traffic accidents and how best to bring it to fruition in policy and practice for government and the private sector.
Dr. Essam Radwan delivered the first day keynote speech titled “Mortality from road crashes in 193 countries: A comparison with other leading causes of death”. On the second day, Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Aty’s keynote talk was titled “The Viability of Proactive Traffic Management Using Big Data Safety Analytics”. Alumni of the UCF’s transportation graduate program were well represented in the event and took leading role in organizing the event and serve as technical speakers. Specifically Dr. Atef Garib, the first Ph.D. graduate in the transportation program at UCF, and who is currently serve as a consultant to the Abu Dhabi Police Department, was the lead organizer of this conference.
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