For the last decade, Florida International University (FIU) has been home to a highly involved and dedicated researcher in the transportation engineering field. From his passion for his research, to his involvement with the students he advises, Dr. Mohammed Hadi, P.E., is an integral part of the transportation research community.
Dr. Hadi started his studies at the University of Baghdad, where he received his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Civil Engineering. He then went to the University of Florida (UF) to pursue a Ph.D., focusing on traffic responses and signal controls. After receiving his Ph.D., he remained at UF for five years as a postdoctoral researcher working on the development of TRANSYT-7F, the most widely-used signal control program in use today.
He began work in the field of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) in the early 1990s, taking part in a team working to develop national ITS infrastructure. From 1995 to 2005, Dr. Hadi worked as a transportation consultant, focusing on simulation and traffic modelling as well as ITS, and performing analyses of ITS systems on projects across the United States and Puerto Rico. Even as a consultant, Dr. Hadi maintained an interest in academia, continuing to attend the Transportation Research Board 's (TRB) annual conferences and teaching a course in ITS as an adjunct professor at Florida International University (FIU).
In 2005, he joined the FIU faculty as an associate professor, bringing with him practical experience and knowledge which has proved invaluable in his research and educational pursuits. His current focus is on ITS and microscopic modelling. He is a dedicated educator, currently advising six Ph.D. students and six masters students.
Dr. Hadi (fifth from left) at a 2009 ceremony honoring tenure and promotion recipients at FIU
Dr. Hadi's research projects in recent years have had a general focus on developing desicion support tools and tools for data-based performance measurements. Much of his work is sponsored by the Florida Department of Transportation, though he has done some work with the Strategic Highway Research Program 2. He has partnered with the Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of Central Florida on a project which uses new and emerging forms of data collection, such as Bluetooth and electronic toll collection, to support electronic detectors to determine how eletronic data collection can best be used on the local and national levels. The project also worked to help optimize traffic signal priority systems, and to work to reduce emissions using the data gathered. Results of this research are currently in the implementation phase in Orlando, FL, and these outcomes are communicated to transportation management agencies.
Hadi is also working on a project led by Dr. Michael Rodgers at Geogia Tech, on Cooperative Vehicle-Highway Automation (CVHA) systems. This project utilizes microscopic traffic simulation to model CVHA driving under different traffic conditions, CVHA driving under different operating parameters, such as minimum headway between vehicles, and the interaction between non-CVHA vehicles and CVHA vehicles on the roadway. Additionally, Dr. Hadi has worked to develop dynamic traffic assignment training for the Florida Highway Administration, and will be delivering a pilot program within the next few months.
Dr. Hadi (far right) at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for FIU's Lehman Center for Transportation Research in 2009
Dr. Hadi has been highly involved in three TRB committees: the ITS committee and the TRB Traffic Flow Committee, both of which he serves as the research coordinator; and the Highway Capacity and Quality of Service Committee, where he organizes special sessions and summer meetings. Dr. Hadi is also active in ITS America, where he is the chair of the Research Group and Cross Cutting Forum, and works with them on student involvement initiatives. He is on the Board of Directors of ITS Florida, and advises the student chapter of the Institute of Transportation of Engineers at FIU.
Dr. Hadi is grateful to the University Transportation Center program for providing him with many opportunities to collaborate with other schools and build relationships with transportation researchers.
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