Ricardo Daziano (Cornell University): On the gap between the willingness to pay for and the marginal cost of battery electric vehicles with improved driving range

Join us for Ricardo Daziano's talk "On the gap between the willingness to pay for and the marginal cost of battery electric vehicles with improved driving range."

Ricardo A. Daziano is the David Croll Fellow Assistant Professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Cornell University. He received a PhD in economics from Laval University in 2010. He joined the CEE faculty in January 2011 adding a new dimension to the area of sustainable systems engineering in both teaching and research. Daziano's research focuses on engineering decision making, specifically on theoretical and applied econometrics of consumer behavior and discrete choice models applied to technological innovation in transportation and energy. Daziano's specific empirical research interests include the analysis of air travel demand, the study of pro-environmental preferences toward low-emission vehicles, modeling the adoption of sustainable travel behavior, estimating willingness-to-pay for renewable energy, and forecasting consumers' response to environmentally-friendly energy sources.

Date and time: 
Thursday, November 21, 2013 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

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