Two students from Georgia Tech, Richard Boadi and Tom Wall, presented their research at 9th Annual Inter-University Symposium on Infrastructure (AISIM 9) held at University of California, Berkeley June 6-7, 2013.
Richard is a third year Ph.D. student, and Tom is a fifth year Ph.D. student, both majoring in transportation systems engineering and conducting research under infrastructure research group.
Richard delivered his presentation, "Risk-Based Management of Ancillary Transportation Assets: Applying the Delphi Method to Estimate the Risk of Failure", and Tom presented his paper entitled "Projecting Climate Change Impacts on the Transportation System: A GIS-Based Approach to Support Network-Level Infrastructure Management".
AISIM9 is a student-run symposium to advance the infrastructure management body of knowledge and applications by providing a forum for information exchange and for professional conversations about ongoing research. Engineers, scientists, and administrators around the world continually analyze state-of-the-art and best practices in this field, seeking innovative solutions in managing assets. The exchange of information and knowledge in infrastructure management is critical to this search for more effective and efficient methods of retaining initial investment.
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