Computer apps, building blocks and transportation engineering will come together this summer when Georgia Tech's National Center for Transportation Systems Productivity and Management (NCTSPM) partners with Chamblee Middle School to conduct two summer camp sessions for middle and high-school students.
The first course, Advanced App Development with Transportation Systems Engineering will run from July 15 to July 19 and is intended for rising tenth through twelfth graders.
The second course, LEGO Robotics & Transportation Systems Engineering will run from July 22 to July 26 and is intended for seventh through ninth graders.
Both courses are supported by Georgia Tech’s Center for Education Integrating Science, Math and Computing (CEISMC), and the Program for the Enrichment and Accelerated Knowledge in STEM (PEAKS) program. Find out more or sign up now.
The first session will combine transportation engineering and app development for smart phones and the second one will focus on transportation engineering and LEGO robotics.
Chamblee Middle School’s new academic focus on transportation and its active LEGO robotics program brings additional reach to the partnership, providing an ideal test-bed for newly developed activities.
Instructors for the camps come from the Georgia Intern Fellowships for Teachers (GIFT) program, which supported the teachers' participation in a seven-week NCTSPM /CEISMC internship. During the internship, they collaborated with transportation researchers, and developed activities for use in their classrooms.
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