Bicycle Traffic Count Data
The Atlanta Bicycle Coalition has released bike count data for various spots around metro Atlanta. One idea they had would be to overlay their data with Census or ACS data, potentially mapping it out in ArcGIS or an open source version (like R). There are two things they would love to get out of Govathon:
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Cobb County Transportation + New Braves Stadium Mobile App
A group of senior Georgia Institute of Technology students are working with Cobb County on their final capstone design project, a mobile phone application for the new Braves Stadium and the surrounding area. The application features real-time and static information on the transportation, transit, parking, as well as the entertainment sites and events for this community. As a group, these students are prepared with the overall concepts and the general flow for the application, in addition to visual mockups, but need the technical expertise to bring this project to life. In a week and a half from now, this application will be presented to high-level Cobb County representatives with the intention of further development in order to pitch to the Braves’ organization in the near future. The capabilities and assistance of the developers at TransportationCamp South will enhance the profitability of this application. At the Cobb County presentation, the students involved will acknowledge by name any and all participating developers. Take full advantage of this lucrative opportunity at the ground level!
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Bike "Train" Finder
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NavDash: The Fastest & Easiest Way to Visualize Transportation Data
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Print your own bus stop schedules
Many bus stops lack adequate signage for bus schedules. With thousands of bus stops, agencies lack the resources to update signage in a timely fashion. What if there were an easy way for bus riders and transit enthusiasts to print off & distribute schedules for their own bus stop? Transit enthusiasts will be empowered to improve the bus stops they use most and help get timely, accurate information to their fellow riders thorugh the most accessible technology: paper.
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Tandem App for finding bicycle buddies
Since 60 percent of Atlantans would like to ride, but don't feel safe, one way to make them feel safer is having someone to ride with them. This idea is to create a mobile ap (think OKCupid meets Cycle Atlanta) - an app for single cyclists. To find a buddy, sort by level of experience, kind of biking (mountain biking, road biking, commuting, joy ride, etc.), length of ride, and location. Also check if you're looking to ride with girls or guys or both. Connect and pick one of the recommended routes or just go out on your own with your new bike buddy. For extra kicks, it would be really cool if the app racked your miles and somehow that became a way to raise funds for bicycle infrastructure (a desperate need in Atlanta). Overall, it aims to encourage behavior change by making it fun and easy to find others to ride with.
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Food & Transit App
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