We are pleased to welcome Dr. Lisa Aultman-Hall from the University of Vermont on Thursday, November 6 @ 11 am. Dr Aultman-Hall will be delivering a seminar entitled: “Long Distance and Intercity Travel - Who, what, where, and when?”
All are welcome to attend. Please RSVP to NCTSPM@ce.gatech.edu.
Lisa Aultman-Hall, Ph.D., is a Professor of the School of Engineering and Transportation Research Center at the University of Vermont. She joined UVM as founding director of the UVM Transportation Research Center in August 2006. She had previously served as the director of the Connecticut Transportation Institute, while an Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Connecticut. Dr. Aultman-Hall teaches transportation planning and traffic safety. She studied at McMaster University and Queen’s University in Canada. She served as an Assistant Professor at the University of Kentucky. She has been funded by NSF, three UTCs from the US DOT and several state DOTs.
Recent research results include studies of tailpipe emissions, traffic safety (bicyclists, young drivers, old drivers), freight transportation planning, and transportation network robustness. Dr. Aultman-Hall’s current research Interests include the following:
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