Join NCTSPM for this Transportation Speaker Series event, featuring Dr. Khaled Abdelghany, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Southern Methodist University. Dr. Abdelghany will be speaking on the topic of "A Real-Time Decison Support System for Robust Traffic Network Management".
Real-time traffic network management systems are envisioned to provide network operators with decision support capabilities to alleviate recurrent and no-recurrent congestion. These capabilities involve predicting the network congestion dynamics and facilitating the development of proactive traffic management schemes that integrate traffic control and demand management strategies. However, traffic networks are subject to numerous sources of stochasticity that make it difficult to accurately predict their operational conditions and generate effective schemes to cope with these conditions. This presentation will discuss a novel decision support system for robust traffic network management which accounts for uncertainty in the network operational conditions. The objective is to develop robust traffic management schemes such that the network overall performance remains close to optimality under the different operational conditions. The modeling framework is presented, which adopts a rolling horizon framework that integrates a meta-heuristic search algorithm and a dynamic traffic assignment simulation-based methodology. The results of a set of simulation experiments that examine the system performance under different operational conditions are discussed.
Dr. Khaled Abdelghany is an Associate Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Southern Methodist University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin in 2001. He also worked as an operations research analyst at United Airlines' R&D Division. Dr. Abdelghany joined the Department of Civil and Environmental Department at SMU in 2004 as an Assistant Professor with the responsibility of developing a transportation research program in the department. He served as the chairman of the department from 2011 to 2016. Dr. Abdelghany has extensive research experience in transportation network modeling, real-time traffic network management systems, crowd dynamics and evacuation studies, connected vehicle applications and airlines strategic planning and operations management. Dr. Abdelghany authored one book and numerous peer-reviewed journal and conference articles. His research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Transportation, Department of Energy, NGOs and several consulting firms.
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