NCTSPM is proud to announce that Georgia Tech graduate students Janille Smith-Colin and Carly Queen have been selected to receive the Eisenhower Graduate Fellowship.
Eisenhower Trasnportation Fellowships are extremely selective, awarded to only 150 students in the United States each year. The purpose of the fellowship is to enable deserving students to pursue master's degrees or doctorates in transportation-related fields at the university of their choice.
Janille Smith-Colin is a PhD student and graduate research assistant in Georgia Tech's Infrastructure Research Group, under the supervision of Dr. Adjo Amekudzi Kennedy. She recevied her master's degree in Civil Enginering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and her bachelor's in Engineering Studies from Lafayette College.
Carly Queen is currently enrolled in Georgia Tech's dual master's degree program in Civil Engineering and City and Regional Planning, Transportation Systems Engineering. She received her bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Tech. She is involved in research with the Urban Transportation Information Lab at Georgia Tech.
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