Georgia Tech's Mokhtarian to Present in U.S. D.O.T. Seminar

Tune in on August 20 for the U.S. DOT Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (OST-R)'s "Transportation Innovation Series." Georgia Tech's own Dr. Patricia Mokhtarian will present her work in Transportation Systems Engineering, specifically travel behavior and multitasking, during this web-based seminar on August 20.

The series is an outreach effort which aims to showcase University Transportation Centers (UTC) researchers and research related to U.S. DOT’s strategic goals of safety, state of good repair, environmental sustainability, livable communities, and economic competitiveness.  Both Georgia Tech and NCTSPM are long-time grant recipients of the UTC Program. 

The OST-R Transportation Innovation Series is held the third Wednesday of each month and is broadcast live via web cast from U.S. DOT Headquarters. For more information:

Students and faculty at Georgia Tech are welcome to join us for a brownbag lunch and live broadcast of the webinar in SEB 122.

Date and time: 
Wednesday, August 20, 2014 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Location of Event: 
SEB 122 (for live broadcast of the webinar)

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