NCTSPM extends our congratulations to Georgia Tech Ph.D. student Jamie Montague Fischer, one of only twenty graduate students in the nation chosen to participate in the 22nd Annual Eno Leadership Development Conference. The conference will be held in Washington, D.C., from June 1-5 of this year.
Each spring, the Eno Leadership Development Conference brings a select group of the top graduate students in transportation and related disciplines to the Nation’s Capital to provide a first-hand look at how transportation policy is developed and implemented. During their week in Washington, the “Eno Fellows” meet with transportation leaders from the public and private sectors, and get an introduction to the transportation policymaking process and our institutions of government.
Each university is invited to nominate one student from each transportation-related discipline. Universities with more than one transportation-related program can nominate a student to be considered. The Eno Selection Committee then chooses students to participate from among a national slate of excellent candidates.
Ms. Fischer is a fourth year Ph.D. candidate in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Georgia Tech. She is advised by Dr. Adjo Amekudzi Kennedy, and has previously been awarded an Eisenhower Fellowship, along with the WTS Foundation's Terry Gruvery Leadership Legacy Scholarship. Her research focuses on incorporating human and quality-of-life concerns into infrastructure management in general and transportation decision making in particular. In her graduate coursework, she focuses on geospatial and statistical analysis methods, survey methodologies, transportation linkages to public health, and infrastructure management. She is active in the Institute of Transportation Engineers and Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS) at Georgia Tech; she served as WTS president during the 2010-2011 term.
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