Dr. Catherine Ross, Director of the Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development, and PhD student Peter Hylton will address the state of practice and of research in megaregion-related multi-jurisdictional transportation efforts. Specifically, the presentation will highlight planning practice and prospects from a groundbreaking survey of state transportation agencies and metropolitan planning organizations. Combining research and survey results provides insights for practitioners, researchers, and policy makers.
Megaregions are networks of urban centers and surrounding areas that are connected through economic, environmental, and infrastructure relationships. Research has identified a megaregion around Atlanta—the Piedmont Atlantic Megaregion—that links areas from Raleigh, NC to Birmingham, AL and supports Southeastern economic strength.
Megaregions are emerging as the unit for global economic competitiveness. However, decision making for megaregion transportation planning is fraught with challenges because all questions involve different government jurisdictions. The research effort seeks to develop solutions for the transportation profession to address megaregion opportunities.
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